Librarian’s Story…: Notes & experiences of librarians from Germany, Czech Republic, Mexico & Indonesia click to zoom
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Review Librarian’s Story…: Notes & experiences of librarians from Germany, Czech Republic, Mexico & Indonesia

Judul: Librarian’s Story…: Notes & experiences of librarians from Germany, Czech Republic,
Mexico & Indonesia
Penulis: Uta Grothkopf, Katerina Soldanova, Radoslava Svaskova, Maria Elena Jimenez-Fragozo, Elyani Sulistialie

Cetakan Pertama, Januari 2023
Tebal: xii + 118 hlm; 14,5 x 20,5 cm
e-ISBN: 978-623-6324-xx-x (Proses)

Dalam e-book ini anda akan mengetahui alasan kenapa seorang pustakawan astronomi tidak ingin “pindah ke lain hati”. Silahkan simak penuturan pustakawan Jerman, Czech serta Mexico dan tentu saja Indonesia.

“We astronomy librarians are also very fortunate because we work in a technologically advanced environment where many developments like access to databases, availability of e-journals, extensive text-mining, and others have been implemented much earlier than in other subject areas. Sometimes am asked whether I would like to change job now that I have spent 20 years in the same institution. My answer has been and always will be the same: if the environment around you and the technologies you apply in your daily work evolve constantly, there is no need to change job, because you are changing with the job” (Uta Grothkopf, Head, Library and Information Centre, ESO  - European Southern Observatory, Germany)

“Pri pohledu z okna knihovny mùže bÿt dr. Frič spokojenÿ — vidí na historickou plošinu s hvèzdárskÿmi kopulemi z červenÿch cihel, které nechal vybudovat a ve kterÿch pracoval. Vidí, že kopule jsou „jako nové“ a že plošina je živÿm a oblíbenÿm centrem celého areálu, na kterém se odehrává rada védecko- popularizačních, kulturních a společenskÿch akcí” (Katka & Radka,

Ingin tahu apa saja yang diceritakan pustakawan dari beberapa negara itu? Silahkan baca e-book ini. Jangan khawatir, ada versi bahasa Inggris dan Indonesianya selain bahasa Czech dan Spanyol.
